Honorary Posts

Sarah Curth, born in 1989, studies German Literature and Cultural Science at Humboldt University Berlin (HU). Leads a workshop about “Networked writing – theory and praxis of new journalistic forms in the Internet” at the Institute of German Literature at the HU. Writes for the city blog SpottedByLocals and runs her own weblog lotterliebe. Holds an honorary post at the Berliner Gazette e.V. since 2009. Editor of the Berliner Gazette.

Karsten Heller, born in 1970, studied communication design at art academy Berlin-Weißensee. Activities include photography, design and publishing. Co-founder of Berlin-based agency DiG Design, in this context responsible for design at Centraltheater Leipzig. Since 2003, co-owner of the independent art and theory publishing house Diamondpaper. Holds an honorary post at the Berliner Gazette e.V. since 2001. Designer of fiverse communication and advertising media.

Caspar Clemens Mierau, born in 1978, studied media-culture sciences at Bauhaus University Weimar. Experience in technical advice, programming, online journalism and in imparting knowledge and know-how in different fields of technology and media culture. Commitments in new media organizations (c-base e.V. and ubuntu Germany e.V.). Runs the weblog leitmedium.de. Holds an honorary post at the Berliner Gazette e.V. since 2008. Technical editor of the Berliner Gazette.

Lena Posingies, born in 1982, studied German and American literature at Technical University Berlin and Humboldt University Berlin. Experience in cultural journalism and language and culture education. Stopovers at weekly journal Sud Ouest Dimanche in Bordeaux, at Goethe Institute Togo in Lomé and Cornelsen Publishing Berlin. Holds an honorary post at the Berliner Gazette e.V. since 2006. Editor of the Berliner Gazette.

Anton Scholz, born in 1987, studies of English literature and history at Potsdam University. Interests in tourism, politics and geography. Took part in a one-year exchange program in the U.S. Several research trips in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. Holds an honorary post at the Berliner Gazette e.V. since 2008. Coordinator of public relations and author for the Berliner Gazette.

Michael Taube, born in 1987, studies of child and youth care at Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Haus in Berlin. Experience in and commitment to social movements (animal rights, data protection) as well as in design and photography. Holds an honorary post at the Berliner Gazette e.V. since 2007. Picture editor of and author for the Berliner Gazette.

Fabian Wolff, born in 1989, studies German and English at Humboldt University Berlin. Longtime editor of Berlin youth-culture magazine Ätzettera. Vice chief editor of Brennpunkt F! and co-founder of online magazine drifter. Interests in high- and popculture and totalitarianism-studies. Fluent in Hebronics. Holds an honorary post at the Berliner Gazette e.V. since 2009. Editor of and author for the Berliner Gazette.

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