Anoushka Zoob Carter
Is a Postgraduate Researcher at the Institute of Development Studies. She has a a background in Human Ecology and spent six years working as an activist-scholar engaged in movements for ecological and socially just food systems. As well as working on small-scale organic farms, she has worked with NGOs such as the World Agroforestry Centre, GRAIN and Global Justice Now. Anoushka’s PhD research examines the role of land property relations and value systems in relation to agroecological food production.
She takes inspiration from various political movements calling for the (re)commoning of land and food. In particular, her research problematises the dominant land property relations which historically have characterised the mainstream conservation regime in England but remain an obstacle to the movement for a democratic, socially just and ecological food system. This research explores already-existing sites of agroecological food production which are engaged in the struggle against patterns of unjust land distribution and access.
She is a member of the Zetkin Collective which researches global trends in the environmental politics of the global far-right. She co-authored the Collective’s first book titled ‘Black Skin, White Fuel: On the Dangers of Fossil Fascism’ (Verso, 2021) in which she wrote on the rural politics of far-right groups in Spain and the UK.
by Anoushka Zoob Carter