Urban Planning and ‘Making Kin’: Reflections on Multispecies Environmental Justice in Spatial Planning

Sandra Huning at the Kin City Festival. Photo: Jörg Farys (cc by nc).
Sandra Huning at the Kin City Festival. Photo: Jörg Farys (cc by nc).

Cities did not come from nowhere like spaceships on an alien planet, but grew historically and relationally. This is often forgotten, precisely because they were often conceived and planned in isolation from the environment – an environment, on which they in fact depend in often exploitative and destructive ways. Not least, the climate crisis reminds us of this interdependence and forces us to ask the question of multispecies environmental justice in urban planning. As Sandra Huning argues in her “Kin City” talk, a multiple paradigm shift is needed to address this issue in a meaningful way.

The opening panel of the conference at the “Kin City” festival, moderated by Manuela Zechner, took place on October 17, 2024 at the ZK/U – Center for Arts and Urbanistics. You can listen to the recording by clicking on the play button below.

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Sandra Huning’s talk is based on the following article: https://berlinergazette.de/multispecies-environmental-justice-in-spatial-planning/

More information about the “Kin City” festival: https://berlinergazette.de/projects/kin-city

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