City of Milk, Honey, and Other Leftovers

Pepe Dayaw at Kin City Festival. Photo: Leonie Geiger (cc by nc)
Pepe Dayaw at Kin City Festival. Photo: Leonie Geiger (cc by nc)

A short walk in the streets and around every corner you can find old clothes waiting to find their new emperors. There are renegades of the hunter- gatherer, scavenging food from various surplus coffers. There are recycled ghosts that come alive at night, armed with leftover hunger. The nextdoor neighbor harvests honey from her backyard. Milk is cheap and so is the chance for a new tomorrow. And then there is high-quality coconut oil. The city is a lush forest, all you need is love, determination, and a proper visa. In an auto-ethnographic pseudo-report cum variety show of sorts, Pepe Dayaw pays tribute to Berlin – the city that has become their home base for the past eleven years.

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Pepe Dayaw’s Sari-Sari night at the “Kin City” festival took place on October 19, 2024 at the ZK/U – Center for Arts and Urbanistics. You can listen to the recording by clicking on the play button above.

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