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A deck of cards, hairspray cans, a watering can, spoons, a lighter gas can, wooden sticks, a plastic bag, a fondue skewer, a ballpoint pen, a cup. Mixer, laptop, boombox. Music? Yes, music! Together with Dirk Dresselhaus – aka SchneiderTM – the students of the BG project “Lebenskünstler” (Artists for Life) at Röntgenschule Neukölln explored the meaning of music for their lives. During the recording session, the sounds of everyday objects were recorded and alienated through filters. Together with the other students, Ali Chaer designed artwork for the music. The sounds were recorded in early 2011 by Dirk Dresselhaus at Röntgenschule Neukölln, then mixed in his studio. The result can be listened to by pressing the play button above.