When the English settlers began to conquer and colonize Aotearoa to make it New Zealand, they began a process of erasure. They wanted a blank page on which to write their history: the story of thriving cities and tamed nature, populated by creatures that had been imported from their homeland, as had everything else. In her “Kin City” talk, Christine Winter rethinks decolonial urban ecologies from within and against these relations of violence.
The seventh panel of the conference at the “Kin City” festival took place on October 17, 2024 at the ZK/U – Center for Arts and Urbanistics and was moderated by Rose Wanjiku. You can listen to the recording by clicking on the play button below.
Click on the button to load the content from Soundcloud.
Christine Winter’s talk is based on the following article: https://berlinergazette.de/kin-cities-in-a-settler-state-whose-kin
More information about the “Kin City” festival: https://berlinergazette.de/projects/kin-city