Executive Board

Florian Kosak, born in 1983, studied business administration at SRH University Berlin. Experience in event management and e-commerce. 2004 – 2008, project manager in an agency for event marketing. Since 2005, chief executive officer (CEO) of a company in the field of e-commerce. Volunteer business executive of the Berliner Gazette e.V.

Magdalena Taube, born in 1983, studied modern German literature and British and American sciences at Humboldt University Berlin. Experience in the field of (online) journalism. 2007 – 2009, culture and media editor of du-machst.de, an online platform for youth empowerment initiated by the Federal Ministry for Families. Since 2009, culture editor of Kulturportal Deutschland, a platform for cultural producers. Volunteer chief editor of the Berliner Gazette.

Krystian Woznicki, born in 1972, studied Islamic and Asian sciences as well as Spanish at Humboldt University Berlin. Experience as curator, writer, editor, lecturer. 1995 – 1998, Tokyo correspondent for Spex. 1997, curator of the “Young Japanese Cinema”-festival at the museum of film in Antwerp. 2002 – 2005, co-publisher of a reader-series by etc.publications. Author of several books on globalization. Most recent publications: “Abschalten” (“Disconnect”, 2008) and “Wer hat Angst vor Gemeinschaft?” (“Who is afraid of community?”, 2009). Volunteer chairman of the Berliner Gazette e.V.

Ein Kommentar zu “Executive Board

  1. Hi! I stumbled into this Site today via research concerning Cryptome and related matters. Ummm, I dunno if you’d be interested ‘er not, but a couple of years back myself and a few friends pooled our resources and talent to produce a SoundTrack concerning Edward Snowden. Please feel free to use the music score in any way you may deem feasilble … at no charge, of course. :)
    Ummm, we hurriedly put the project together within 10 days of Snowden’s newsbreaking story. At the time, we were so very much hoping to generate funds to assist him with his expected legal fees an; whatever. We repeatedly E-Mailed WikiLeaks requesting help with distribution and received no reply. We also contacted Snowden’s American Lawyer and sent copies of the CD to several non-MSM outlets and none replied nor showed any interest. Consequently, our efforts became a complete failure and we’ve resigned to that fact.We shut down the “everycallyoumake.com” WebSite a year ago.
    In any event, after bumping into your Site, I thought I might as well ask if you might be able to use the SoundTrack in some way.
    You can view it on YouTube or contact me for a copy of the CD itself … (no charge, of course).

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