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The voice of Post-Germany.
Geert Lovink / fibreculture

Felix Lüttge / goldmag

Sympathically uncool.
Frank Geber / intro

The most consistent Online-Feuilleton.
Sascha Kösch / De:Bug

A successful alternative to the alternative.
Gerrit Gohlke / Be:Magazin

An original e-text format.
Pit Schulz / rohrpost

An intervening form of journalism.
Christoph Dreher / Digital Spirit

Smart selection of authors.
Anne Haeming / fluter.de

Short films about Berlin from the expat point of view.
Klaas Glenewinkel / style & the family tunes

Insights into the thoughts of Berlin’s cultural producers.
Jörn Morisse / Berliner Zeitung

A sense of intimacy between author and reader is maintained in the Berliner Gazette.
Stephan Porombka / Zitty

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