Welcome to the Public Talks | Nov. 9th | 1:30 p.m.
People who do not fit together, now come together: small and large, young and old – all are thrown into complicity. Here, the 13th annual Berliner Gazette conference senses new possibilities for collaboration. And it sets out to explore them, bringing together capitalists and pirates, hackers and journalists, amateurs and pros.
Keynote: What is complicity? | Nov. 9th | 2:00 p.m.
Occupy, commons and other social experiments show: New forms of collectivity are being invented and tested all over the world. In her key note Prof. Gesa Ziemer enriches the debate by exploring how older forms of collective action play a crucial role by being reinterpreted for current purposes in contexts such as art, science and business. more
Reforming while informing the world? | Nov. 9th | 3:15 p.m.
It is estimated that 20 to 30 trillion dollars are hidden in offshore localities which corresponds to the economies of the USA and Japan combined. The investigation project Offshore Leaks approached this problem and unmasked details of 130,000 offshore accounts in April 2013. Hackers & Journalists who are involved in the project share their insights and reflections. more
Are creative users taking over? | Nov. 9th | 4:15 p.m.
The cultural production of Amateurs & Pros gains a new dimension with Hatsune Miku – a trend that is spreading from all over Asia to Europe. This is about creating music (and video) based on vocal software. And it is about using the vocal software and its inherent character as an avatar for one’s own identity. Experts from Japan and Germany share their thoughts in this panel. more
What about reinventing the economy? | Nov. 9th | 5:45 p.m.
A world without banks is a utopia – but not impossible. In order to free ourselves from large financial institutions we need to empower new grass roots intiatives with the help of technologies like internet and encryption. In this panel Pirates & Capitalists discuss concrete projects and proposals to solve the problem. more
Conclusion: Does complicity need rules? | Nov. 9th | 6:45 p.m.
In socio-political struggles, actors from different fields can tap into different sources of power. But what are the trade-offs in cross-sectional coalition-building? What kind of responsibility do actors have? Does complicity rely on ethical and political values as well as practical standards? more
Have a look at all guests:
When you roll over the photo with your mouse, the name of the respective guest pops up and the part of the conference she/he is involved in. Click on the photo for further info.
Tweets from the conference | Hashtag #bgcon13
Just saw the presentation of the project http://t.co/93PniLNVPU P2P money based on informal trust based relations, skipping banks. #bgcon13
— María G. Perulero (@Perulera) 9. November 2013
complicity – was der Duden so sagt: “Gemeinsamkeit, die sich in Zusammenarbeit und gegenseitiger Begünstigung ausdrückt” #bgcon13
— jensbest (@jensbest) 9. November 2013
Sehr schöne Zusammenfassung von @iljabraun zur Jahreskonferenz der @berlinergazette zu #Complicity #bgcon13 http://t.co/bGSpsSZb5q
— Chris Piallat (@CPiallat) 12. November 2013
Danke an @berlinergazette und @super_markt für eine tolle #bgcon13
— Sebastian (@sebaso) 9. November 2013
Könnten wir das Geld neu erfinden? Ist eine interktive Bank möglich? Fragen auf der #bgcon13 pic.twitter.com/Rw0eaWJO80
— Linkin Linda (@linklinda) 9. November 2013
OH: ‘@pudo was taking his damn tablet and showing us people who already accomplished our ideas’ #bgcon13
— brian abelson (@brianabelson) 7. November 2013
Some dynamic graphic recording happening right now at COMPLICITY #bgcon13 pic.twitter.com/tHIhZEBwXE
— Supermarkt Berlin (@super_markt) 7. November 2013
Hackers and Journalists developing new tool at #bgcon13 and trying to catch the right ‘bubbles’ pic.twitter.com/UTcM9ufRHI
— VeZ (@vezpodcast) 7. November 2013
Innovation aus Spanien: Die Plattform @goteofunding ermöglicht Crowdfunding für Gemeingüter http://t.co/4KNSfabnfB #bgcon13 #commons
— Goteo (@goteofunding) 7. November 2013
Amazing seeing an artist putting our discussion into pictures #bgcon13 pic.twitter.com/AVz1VY3qVA
— Svenja G (@SvenjaCG) 7. November 2013
“#Journalism is a matter of truth” wirft eine griechische Teilnehmerin ein –> Notwendigkeit von #Complicity und #Collaboration #bgcon13
— Tobias Schwarz (@Isarmatrose) 7. November 2013
A Congregation of Unicorns #bgcon13 #complicity
— anwen (@eridisk) 7. November 2013
Hackers and Journalists at Complicity #bgcon13 pic.twitter.com/RHgwqiPWte
— Annabel Church (@annabelchurch) 7. November 2013
How can Pirates & Capitalists, Hackers & Journalists, Amateurs & Pros work together? http://t.co/Tv9dGLJTo0 7.-9.11. @super_markt | #bgcon13
— Anna-Lena König (@blog_bleistift) 6. November 2013
Wie lange noch wird es im Netz freie #Fan-Kulturen geben? Essay von @validd http://t.co/8NR2mzxuAr @iRightsinfo @super_markt #bgcon13
— berlinergazette.de (@berlinergazette) 19. Dezember 2013
can complicity be <3? @berlinergazette portrays @verdadeen‘s amateur & professional journalism http://t.co/mGPJ71xQ3v #Mozambique #bgcon13
— Sara Moreira (@saritamoreira) 21. November 2013
Interview mit Stavroula Poulmeni: http://t.co/NicQS4UlDd #bgcon13
— Ilja Braun (@iljabraun) 12. November 2013
Informative talk at #bgcon13 on how ‘hackers and journalists’ worked together re: #OffshoreLeaks… time to revisit http://t.co/S7I3mQ1M7P
— Lilly Warren (@lilly_warren) 9. November 2013
#bgcon13 Portrait a.unserem Keller:@brianabelson ü.d.NYTimes+warumJournos nicht Coder sein müssen,aber Code verstehen http://t.co/8QCKGBCEth
— Supermarkt Berlin (@super_markt) 19. November 2013
spannender Hinweis auf der #bgcon13 :
— torial (@torial) 7. November 2013
Eines meiner Highlights auf der #bgcon13: mit einer Technikphilosophin über Zombies reden.
— .andi (@ohrenflimmern) 8. November 2013
rt @netzpiloten Berliner Hinterhofgespräch Topic #Complicity: http://t.co/Ozd3UqJjNs #bgcon13
— Nicole Simon (@nicolesimon) 12. November 2013