Gal Kirn
EN / Associate professor at the University of Ljubljana. He has been working for last 10 years in the German academic context (Institute of Cultural Inquiry – ICI Berlin, Humboldt University, TU Dresden, GWZO Leipzig). He is also affiliated with Södertörn University (Sweden) and a part of international research group Partisan Resistances (University of Grenoble). Kirn’s research has focused on the theme of transition in (post)socialist context, in particularly in the fields of art, politics and memory in the period of national liberation struggle and the socialist Yugoslavia. He led the research project “Counter Archives” (Rosa Luxembourg Foundation at ICI Berlin) and published two monographs “Partisan Ruptures” (Pluto Press, 2019) and “Partisan Counter-Archive” (De Gruyter, 2020). Kirn recently co-edited (with Natasha Ginwala and Niloufar Tajeri) a volume “Nights of the Dispossessed. Riots Unbound” (Columbia Press, 2021), and with Marian Burchardt “Beyond Neoliberalism” (Palgrave, 2017).
DE / Professor an der University of Ljubljana. Zuvor Visiting Fellow am ICI Berlin und Forscher an der JvE Academie in Maastricht, Research Fellow am ICI Berlin, Fellow an der Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart und wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der HU Berlin und der TU Dresden. Er hat Bücher über Neoliberalismus, Althusser, das jugoslawische Kino, jugoslawische Partisanenkunst und Theorien des Postfordismus herausgegeben. Zu seinen Büchern gehören “Partisan Ruptures. Self-Management, Market Reform and the Spectre of Socialist Yugoslavia” (2019, Pluto Press) und “The Partisan Counter-Archive. Retracing the Ruptures of Art and Memory in the Yugoslav People’s Liberation Struggle” (2020, De Gruyter). Foto: Claudia Peppel.
by Gal Kirn