Artifices of Intelligentsia, or: How Can Artists Challenge AI-Driven Machines?

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The AI-driven world is supposedly getting ever more intelligent – but intelligent for whom? At the BG conference “Ambient Revolts” two artists looked for answers: Kim Yong Hun (Seoul) of the art collective Shinseungback Kimyonghun who created the “Animal Classifier” – an AI trained to divide animals into arbitrary classifications to foreground the imperfections in algorithmic classification systems. Dzina Zhuk (Moscow) who with Nicolay Spesivtsev (Belarus) is co-founder of the art group eeefff, contextualizes digital city infrastructure in the context of complex and semi-autonomous AI systems. Moderated by L.A.-based journalist Claudia Núñez, this talk explored artistic strategies in a techno-social environment of runaway bots, AI bias, and digital trash. “We trained our own AI to classify animals, showing the absurd sides of machine learning,” Kim Yong Hun explained at the second public talk. Dzina Zhuk in turn took another approach to Artificial Intelligence and machine learning: unboxing the “smart” infrastructure of her hometown Moscow, showing just how little we know about the machines that co-create our daily lives, our relationships, etc. The recording of the panel was made on November 9, 2018 at the ZK/U and can be listened to by pressing the play button above.

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